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C o l l e g e  P o o l  -  W a s p e r t o n
The pool was originally excavated for sand and gravel and is very deep indeed. Most pegs have around 15ft of water which means that the top layers start to warm up in spring and many fish start to feed up in the water. A new otter proof fence was completed in 2024 to protect fish stocks and this has been very effective.
There is a good population of roach, perch (to 3lbs) bream (to over 6lbs) and mirror carp. Regular feeding is the key to success but don't overdo it, especially in the early spring. Maggot scores well as does a caster and hemp approach. It is often best to fish right in close to the steep sides of the pool where fish congregate for natural food. There is now a good population of skimmer bream so groundbait and pellets are a useful option. There are a few tench too.
In summer, there is no better place to be than this beautiful part of Warwickshire's countryside. Butterflies, dragonflies and many different bird species abound, including large numbers of skylarks. Using a waggler or pole rig on the drop is a great way to catch at this time of year. Set at 4 or 5 feet deep and start feeding a few maggots very regularly. This will soon bring perch, skimmers and roach to your bait. The carp in College Pool are now to double figures and are just about the hardest fighting carp you will encounter. Don't fish too light!
Colin Arkless (top right) fishes the pool regularly. He says....
"Settled on a swim half way down,  on the road side , where I found very deep water and fished 4 sections to hand, I used a no 5 elastic as you need something to set the hook at that depth, but not bump the fish.
Four balls of my Dark mix and pinkie where potted slightly short , to compensate for any roll, I also flatten one side  ( little tip for sloping swims )
It started slow but after about an hour , a ripple was on the water and I knew the roach would open shop. It was not hectic sport, as the clear conditions dictated but I ended up with a nice 10 lb net of silvers."

PLEASE NOTE. If you are fishing sweetcorn or luncheon meat, tins are not allowed at the water. Use a polythene bag and make sure that you take all your litter home.
PARKING. In the Leamington Angling car park next to the pool. Please ensure that you close the gate.
ENTRY  The gate now has a combination lock. Use the combination as shown in your membership book and press the shackle into the lock to open.
ALL ANGLERS must have an appropriate landing net and unhooking mat.
ALL FISH OVER 3lbs must be returned immediately, not held in keepnets. No Barbel in keepnets.
TICKETS Open to Leamington Angling members only. Members pay a day ticket online or to the bailiff each time they fish. Adults £3 and concessions £2. Junior members no further charge. No guests. All anglers must be in possession of an Environment Agency rod licence.
TWO RODS per angler maximum
COLLEGE POOL is open all year

SAT NAV Coordinates: N52.223311, W1.614529
Any pegs not included in a prebooked match are available for members to fish
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College Pool Stocking 6th December 2018

Please note. There is no access to the river along the track past College Pool. Please use the track on the right before College Pool.



​© 2022 Royal Leamington Spa Angling Association

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