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R u l e s & R e g u l a t i o n s
As you would expect with an organisation established back in 1890, the Royal Leamington Spa Angling Association has developed rules and regulations for fishing our waters and these change and develop as time passes.
We have a basic set of rules for the Association, most of which members would regard as common sense. A copy is available from the secretary. Most of our waters have various regulations which apply to that particular place and these are on the web page and notice boards for that water.
The very first rule established at that first meeting of the Association in 1890 still applies and is the most important:-
1. The Association shall be called – “The Royal Leamington Spa Angling Association” – hereafter called the Association, and is formed for the acquisition of fishing and the preservation of fish for the benefit of members, in accordance with the rules

© 2022 Royal Leamington Spa Angling Association
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